Our goals
Industrial safety, health and environmental protection as well as a responsible handling of resources are essential keystones for a stable maintenance and advancement of our company Mitteldeutschen Kunststoff – Logistik GmbH & Co.KG.
They are equal to other important keystones as reliability, quality and efficiency.
Concerning industrial accidents the goal is to have none at all – as every accident is a healthwise constraint for those affected and every absence is a disturbance of the workflow. This would compromise the quality of our work and the economic success of the Mitteldeutschen Kunststoff – Logistik GmbH & Co.KG.
Furthermore, it is our obligation to improve the safety of our facilities and to minimize negative influences on the environment.
By systematic annual assessment and improvement of energy efficiency we keep facing the task of reducing the energy consumption of our facilities long term and sustainably.
To ensure this, our board of management named representatives for quality management and industrial safety. These persons are responsible for the realization of our safety regulations as well as our policies for industrial safety, energy and quality and environmental protection.
In order to ensure the interests of our board of management regarding the policies for industrial safety, energy and quality and environmental protection all facilities are subject to periodical internal and external audits.
All production as well as logistics facilities are checked for threats to the employees on a regular base. It is our task to take necessary actions to eliminate any threat and thus avoid accidents and injuries to health.
Our company commits itself to comply with all legal and administrative requirements as well as the regulations for industrial safety and environmental protection. Furthermore, we take all actions to prevent incidents and support the health of our employees.
Working safety as well as environmental and resource protection concern everyone. Every single person has to take care not only of his own safety but for the safety of his / her colleagues, visitors as well as employees of other companies. Each of our employees carries his part of responsibility when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of our company.
By regular trainings and guidance it is our goal to create awareness with all our employees for acting responsible.